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Work Profile: Offering Licenses & Kits
Work Profile: Offering Licenses & Kits

Learn how to add details and documents to box kit rentals and allowances

Updated over 11 months ago

If you've been granted a kit or allowance as part of your negotiated deal, this is where you'd upload any supporting details or documentation. You will not be able to proceed until all kit details or documents are provided if the production has made it mandatory for you.

Certificates & Licenses

You can save any work-related certification or licenses to share with production teams. For example, if you're a drone operator, you may upload drone insurance and your drone operator license; or if you're a paramedic, here's a good spot to upload your first aid certification.

Some documents you'll find may be mandatory and you cannot proceed without uploading certain documentation; for example:

  • Drivers License - This may be mandatory for a few reasons:

    • Some productions require this proof of residency document to claim tax credits on your labor, even if you have provided a Notice of Assessment. If you don't have a license, the production may allow you to upload an ID card instead.

    • If you're driving a production vehicle, you'll be required to upload a valid license. You may also be asked to provide a Drivers Abstract (or Driving Record) if you work in the transportation department.

  • WHSA (Ontario Health & Safety Awareness Certificate) - For production workers in Ontario, this certificate is mandatory.

Pro Tip: If there's a certificate you'd like to upload and it cannot be found on the list and it's a legitimate document required for our industry, reach out to support so we can add it for you.

Vehicle Allowances

If you (or someone else) added a Vehicle Allowance to your deal points, it will be mandatory to provide:

  • Vehicle details such as make, model, year, and license plate

  • a Proof of Insurance for Business Use Certificate to validate you're legally allowed and insured to drive on behalf of the production using your vehicle.

To upload a certificate, click on the Upload button and upload the file or photo. If you're having issues uploading,

Other Allowances

Meal, Cell, Mileage, and Remote Work allowances do not require any supporting details or documentation if they are part of your deal.

Box Kit Rentals

All box kit rentals (ie. Camera, Computer, Art, Set Dec) must be accompanied with an inventory list. You have to option to either itemize the list or upload one.

Itemize List

You'll be able itemize your box kit rental by default. Enter the Quantity, Description of the Inventory Item, then the Replacement Value (what it would cost to replace the item if it was lost, stolen or damaged). The Total Replacement Value will be automatically calculated

You can delete any item by clicking on the Trash Can icon to the right.

Upload File

Got a long kit list? No problem – simply click or tap on Upload, then click on the Upload Button and provide either a PDF, PNG or JPG file. You can replace the file by clicking on the Trash Icon icon.

Drone Kits

For Workers being granted drone box kit rentals, the production will require:

  • An itemized inventory list. Click Add Item to itemize each piece of equipment or the Trash Can icon to delete items.

Or supporting documentation:

  • Transport Canada or FAA Drone Registration Certificate

  • Proof of Drone Insurance

  • Drone Pilot License

Click on the Upload button to upload the file from your desktop or mobile device. When the upload is successful a Blue Checkmark will appear next to the file. You can replace the file by clicking on the Trash Icon icon. To review your upload, click on the Download Icon next to the Trash Can Icon.

For more information, visit the FAA Registration Requirements or Transport Canada site.

Pro Tip: If you don't see an area to upload kit-related details or documents such as a specific box kit rental allowance, go back Set Deal Points and add the kit or allowance. If you don't see this page, it means, your deal points are locked. Ask your department head, Production Manager or anyone in accounting to make the change to your start pack. Learn more about setting deal points.

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