Troubleshooting Address Issues

Learn how to manually add or edit your residency or mailing address

Updated over a week ago


When entering your primary residence or mailing address, you might be having issues. The list of American and Canadian addresses are generated from USPS and Canada Post, however they're not always up-to-date so your address may not appear. There might also be other reasons why you can't find your address so use this guide to help.

Mismatched Residency Country

A common mistake is, if you're on the Declare Residency page, the Primary Residency Country doesn't match your address. Click or tap on the dropdown to choose the country country.

Incorrect Unit/Suite Numbers or Compass Directions

If your address contains a different unit/suite number or compass direction (e.g. North, East, Southwest, etc.) and you don't see it in the list, try first searching it in a different way. For example, Canada Post or USPS might show the compass direction before the street name, and some list it after.

Another way to solve this is try choosing the closest address. Then without changing the format, click or tap into the field and edit the address.

Pro Tip: In Canada, Canada Post includes unit numbers before the building number (ex. 4-1083 Howard Ave). In the US, USPS includes unit numbers after the building number and street name along with a suffix (ex. 1083 Howard Ave, Unit 4).

Entire Missing Addresses

If you can't find anything close to your address or it's missing entirely, reach out to us or click/tap on the live chat bubble in the bottom right of your screen. We'll help you add it manually.

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